Using the Mapping Tool

In this User Guide, we will walk you through some of the key features contained within the mapping tool, which includes the map itself, search functionality, filter functionality, summary data, and multiple table tabs – along with certain functionality linking those components.

In addition to this written user guide, you can reference our short video tutorial series. We will also post webinar recordings alongside those tutorials.

Map Quick Guide Diagram

Layout and Functions

The mapping tool is organized as a set of features:

    • The Map (with search function, investment “pop-up” windows, and map layers);

    • The Investment Search Window in the top left, which with precise investment names can find specific investments on both the map and in both data tables;
    • The Filters in the center left which allow for quick sorting by a variety of investment criteria;
  • The Summary Data, which summarizes mapped Climate Commitment Act investments (responsive to filters) and unmapped Climate Commitment Act investments (full table, unresponsive to filters at this time).

The Data Tables, a collapsable table with rows of investments for which details are provided in columns of which are described in the Background and Details section. Only mapped investments adjust based on the filter criteria at this time, while unmapped investments can be searched by investment name or investment category.


The Map tile within the window is the primary visual feature which interacts with all other features of the tool. 


At any time, you can return to the starting perspective by clicking the home icon in the top left corner of the map. You can also zoom to a specific location by using the search bar in the top right corner (which can also take you far from Washington state depending on the location you enter – just click the home icon to return to the state borders). 

Zooming is also possible by touch pad (two-finger or click) or mouse (click or scroll). These zoom functions will occur automatically if your cursor is over the map.


Selecting an icon will trigger an information box to pop up. To be sure you have chosen the desired icon, you may need to zoom to ensure there are no other investments in close proximity. Once the information box pops up, there is unfortunately no option to resize it. However, you may dock (or undock) the icon to the side of the map via the window icon in the top right. The last preference (docked or undocked) will be retained unless you refresh the home page. 

Within the information box, you can also:

  • Shrink (up arrow) or expand (down error) to show the scrollable table of information.
  • When expanded – you can pull up the investment in the table below via the four dots OR you can zoom to the project by selecting the magnifying glass “zoom to” option. Clicking multiple times will continue to zoom closer to that investment.

When done with the information box, you can either X out (top right) or click to another icon to open a new information box.


The map contains additional layers that can be toggled on or off. To access these layers click the arrow at the middle right of the map. To toggle layer on or off, simply click on the layer name.


The filter function applies to the map and the Mapped Investments table, but not the unmapped investments table. Any of the filter options can be selected at the same time – including multiple selections within each filter.

Filters are included for Investment Category, Prioritized Funding, County, and Legislative District. To reset filters for any individual category, the dropdown menu for that category must be selected and the garbage can icon in the bottom right clicked. The dropdown menu will stay open until you click outside of it.

At any time, the selected filter combination can be toggled off or on by using the toggle in the top right corner of the tile. This retains your filters, but lets you flip between the full dataset and your set of filters and can be useful for noting changes in the map or funding totals.

To avoid needing to scroll to find all the values containing a certain term of value (e.g. a County or a Legislative District) simply type the value in (“Spokane” or “10” for example) and the list will shorten to only include options content that text.

Summary Data

The summary data provides a highest level snapshot of funding amounts from only Climate Commitment Accounts. There are four funding totals reported within the mapping tool The Mapped Investments (both Authorized and Total) will update based on both filters and the search bar. The Unmapped Investments (both Authorized and Total) will only update based on the search bar.

Additional Summary Data will be made available either via spreadsheet download with a summary page.

Data Table

To see the data table, you will need to click the arrow at the bottom center border of the map. The data columns (or rows if looking at a single project on the map) are described in the Background and Details section. Here we describe a few features of the tables, noting again that there is one Table of Mapped Investments (top left of the Data Table tile) and an Unmapped Investments table right next to it. The Mapped Investments updates with either the search or filters, while the Unmapped Investments only updates via the Search Bar. By clicking the top right corner (corner arrows to expand, X to collapse) the table can be widened to cover the whole mapping window.

Other features of the Data Tables include:

  • Each column can be resized by clicking the right border of the column header (first row). 
  • To scroll to additional columns, click and drag the bar at the bottom of the tile.
  • Scrolling down to additional rows can be done by the scroll bar at the right of the data table tile or by using the cursor once it is hovering over the table itself.
  • Tables can be sorted by one or multiple columns by clicking the column header. 
    • The most recently clicked column will sort the data first when multiple columns are clicked. 
    • The first click sorts by ascending (A to Z or small to high), second click by descending (Z to A or high to small), and third click of a column header resets to no sorting.
  • Selecting an Investment: When clicking on an investment, the row will be highlighted and, if in the mapped investment table, the corresponding icon on the map will be emphasized (maroon outline, yellow highlight). 
    • When the map is full of investments, it may be hard to identify where the selected investment is. You can zoom to the investment from the table by selecting the corresponding row, clicking the four dots at the top right of the tile, and selecting the Zoom To action. This will work on multiple selections but zoom will be limited by fitting any selected investments into the same map frame.
  • The icon in the top right corner with the eyeball allows you to hide or show columns in the table.